“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

– Sylvia Plath

Me as a Writer

Writing happens in anyone’s daily life, whether we like it or not. Its the way we communicate on a daily basis and how we communicate our feelings to our friends even as simple as texting or through social media.

I like writing for one of two reasons: expressing how I feel that day though a journal. I usually only like writing through that outlet because it allows me to let out emotions that I would never want to express outwardly/want anyone else to know about. Many of my free writes in my journal are about how I am feeling that day. Becuase I can say anything (and no one can judge me but me) I can write shorthanded or even in “coded” language that I would only understand (but maybe not when I look back at it years from the day I written it).

However, when it comes to writing in school or formally, I dont have the choice to write freely, even if it is a “free-write”. For school essays there are always requirements to being formal and that means you can only express your feelings through words that are more complext becasue complex words often have the most nuanced meanings which allow for different people to interperate your words differently. But, since my vocabulary is only limted tto what I have experiance on a day to day basis, my expression through writing is too limited. I love expressing through my actions, especially facial.

However, as I write more througout the year, I hope to change that and be able to write with passion that will allow for my readers to feel my joy or sadness that I wish to express :)!


One response to “Me as a Writer”

  1. What a great quotation!

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