“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

– Sylvia Plath

Author: Gabriella M

  • Weekly Writing 5: Getting Creative About Maps

    Cartographer’s lines are more than the strokes created by the utensil, But hints of childhood, and the touch of creativity Along with their memories The bend the hill’s to fit their eyes stretch the seas to touch the skies chart the lands as they see fit So that the lines hold fear, fate, and power…

  • What about maps to study next?

    In class, I feel that we should touch upon maps that are older in the sense of the types of maps that were made during mesopotamia times or those during the ice age. I think it is cool to see how people formed their maps and why they chose to draw it the way that…

  • How do I read: The Process of Reading

    While reading, I like to use methods of annotating and highlighting, that is if i own the books, because it really allows me to engage with what I am reading. I believe that it helps you better understand the text and writing down my thoughts can help me in the future remember what I specifically…

  • The Power of Maps: Constructing Narratives of Dominance and Power

    According to many, maps have long been considered a tool of navigation, whether that is getting from one place to another or transmitting geographical information onto paper. However, closer examination reveals that maps are far more than mere representations of the physical world; rather, maps are metaphorical and symbolic tools that reflect the deep cultural,…

  • The Power of Maps [Draft]

    According to many, maps have long been considered a tool of navigation, whether that is getting from one place to another or transmitting geographical information onto paper. However, in recent years, authors, like J.B. Harley, have challenged this idea saying that this is not necessarily true. In his essay Text and Context in the Interpretation…

  • You Are What You Eat: Through the eyes of a Mass Spectrometer

    An article based off one of Muhlenberg’s numerous activities on campus Have you ever wondered what is truly in your food? Are the labels that you find on products 100% accurate? Do the foods that you eat make up 100% of your body? Professor Gene Hall of Rutgers University conducted an experiment about what actually…

  • Mapping the World: Mercator’s Atlas

    Three Subclaims Claim #2: The body and how it influences our experiences with space and perception of navigating maps. Ayesha Ramchandran’s calim regarding the body is interesting on the idea that I have never realized what it really meant. She states that the body has some sort of influence on how we relate to our…

  • Reflecting on Turchi

    “The plan that guides our exploration may or may not be the structure-defining intention of the map, the document that leads the reader; experience reminds us that there is often a world of difference between what we hope to find, or think we might find, and what we discover[…] our vehicle for discovery is the…

  • Weekly Writing 3: Summarizing

    Summary: In “Metaphor: or, the Map” in Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer, Peter Turchi explores the intricate relationship between writing and cartography. Turchi argues that “maps suggest explanations… [and] …inspire us to ask more questions, consider other possibilities,” illustrating that we can categorize maps into two categories just like writing: exploration and…

  • Me as a Writer

    Writing happens in anyone’s daily life, whether we like it or not. Its the way we communicate on a daily basis and how we communicate our feelings to our friends even as simple as texting or through social media. I like writing for one of two reasons: expressing how I feel that day though a…