“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

– Sylvia Plath

Author: Gabriella M

  • Week 2: Paraphrasing

    “A digital manila envelope should be more than just storage for virtual report cards,” (Watters 6). I chose to paraphrase this text because I thought this was pivotal part of why Watters wrote this book in the beginning. Thinking about how to paraphrase this sentence allowed for me to come up for all the meanings…

  • What is a Map?

    A map is make up of what we know is to be true/what is there. It is something that guides us through our way of life, physically and mentally. Maps can be all different types from physical to theoretical. In my prospective, to make up a map, it has to have landmarks. This can be…

  • The Great Allentown Fair

    The main goal was walking down the street, passing by the ominous graveyard while trying not to break out ankles on the sidewalk. Seeing kids holding onto their sugary drinks and cotton candy from the walk to the car released excitement and energy into the atmosphere. Entering the gate, The Great Allentown Fair buzzed with…