“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

– Sylvia Plath

How do I read: The Process of Reading

While reading, I like to use methods of annotating and highlighting, that is if i own the books, because it really allows me to engage with what I am reading. I believe that it helps you better understand the text and writing down my thoughts can help me in the future remember what I specifically thought during that part of the book.

I also love reading with either classical music or jazz. It helps me better focus than if I were to listen to music with words. I sometimes also like silence if the reading I have to read is not “serious”. Along with the idea of helping me focus, listening to music allows me to have a more “romanticized” outlook on the beauty of reading and allows me to really engage with what I am reading on a deeper level.

I also love to have a snack while I am retaining information because it allows for my mind not to wonder too much, and for some reason helps me focus better on the text even if the text I read is “boring”.

My methods of reading are strictly habitual and I would never want to change it because I feel like it is the best way for me to both retain the information and also enjoy myself while doing so.


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