“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

– Sylvia Plath

Week 2: Paraphrasing

“A digital manila envelope should be more than just storage for virtual report cards,” (Watters 6).

  • A digital manila envelop is one that hold memories and value of sentimental species of works
  • A digital manila envelop means more than just storage of regular documents
  • A digital manila envelop should provide more than just a space for keeping files, but one for memories

I chose to paraphrase this text because I thought this was pivotal part of why Watters wrote this book in the beginning. Thinking about how to paraphrase this sentence allowed for me to come up for all the meanings behind what she wrote, and I figured out that me as a writer, I read deeper into the actual meaning of what the writer writes superficially.

“When it comes to orientating, the mood of the map reader colors the map itself,” (Hall 16)

  • The map reader makes their own ideas of what the maps will be .
  • A map reader’s emotions affect how they understand the map.
  • The map reader’s mood influences how they interpret the map.

I chose to paraphrase this text because it felt like something that related to me a lot. Because whenever someone reads something, whether that is a book or a problem on a math test one is trying to solve, there is some type of interpretation that everyone makes, and each person looks at it differently. This relates the same way to a map, and this quote perfectly explains that in one sentence. This quote also allows me to realize that myself as a reader and writer looks as passages both thoroughly and deeply.


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