“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

– Sylvia Plath

Weekly Writing 3: Summarizing


In “Metaphor: or, the Map” in Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer, Peter Turchi explores the intricate relationship between writing and cartography. Turchi argues that “maps suggest explanations… [and] …inspire us to ask more questions, consider other possibilities,” illustrating that we can categorize maps into two categories just like writing: exploration and presentation. He believes that the complex world of cartography lies in the creation of people’s minds and that the map maker is guided by the experiences that they face. Because they come from the creation of the imagination, he examines how maps are not mere tools for orientation but also interpretations that reflect the perspectives and intentions of their creators. Similarly, narratives are not just stories but intricate frameworks that map out human experience and imagination.

Throughout this story, we see that, because these maps are made from mere creation, Turchi argues, “if we aren’t satisfied with where it has taken up, the guide has let us down. A map may be beautiful, but if it doesn’t tell us what we want to know, or clearly illustrate what it means to tell us, it’s merely a decoration.” Turchi’s argument about the purpose of a map mirrors his broader point about writing: just as a map must provide clear and useful information to be valuable, a narrative must offer meaningful and coherent representation to effectively guide readers through its story.

Throughout this excerpt, we come to find that because map makers and novelists are so similar, Turchi allows us to see that through our map-making skills, we are truly writers.

150 Characters:

Maps of the Imagination explores how fantasy and imagination shape our understanding of reality additionally how map making is the same realm of writing


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